Thinking for Living Day Conferences
Over the last two years a number of clergy and Readers have been using a range of ‘thinking tools’ that have helped them come to terms with these questions about living. In our post-modern culture many people are put off organised religion yet research shows that they have burning, unanswered questions about their spiritual life. Many people find that they can be held back in their pilgrim journey by relying so much on their church role or on ritual that they fail to think. (How many of us have been worshipping and wondered how we had got the end of the Creed already?)
Having a thoughtful approach to our Christian life makes use of our God-given brains; and helps us to integrate Bible, faith and living. If this speaks to you and you have an interest in helping to foster learning, in individuals and communities, then this is for you! Two day conferences this autumn that will offer a practical tool kit for encouraging growth and change will be held as follows:
Saturday 15 October, 9.30am-3.30pm at Church House, North Shields
To book, or for further information please contact Jenny Crawford by email or phone 0191 270 4144. The cost to attend is £20. Places at each venue are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.