New Publication by Lindisfarne Member of Staff
Rick Simpson, one of our core staff members, works primarily with the curates of the dioceses of Durham and Newcastle and their training incumbents (the experienced clergy with whom they are placed for three to four years to complete their training).
Rick has written Supervising a Curate – A Short Guide to a Complex Task to help both training incumbents and curates to develop a healthy and stimulating working and training relationship.
Over the last ten years the Church of England has become much clearer about the purpose and aims of the curacy. However, the development of the curacy places increased demands upon training incumbents. Supervising a Curate is intended to help all involved in the curacy process to be clear about the training that a curacy needs to enable, and the kind of supervision that is needed to achieve this. A model for supervision appropriate for the curacy is set out, with a breakdown of the different tasks involved, and some guidelines for good practice are given.
One of the virtues of Grove Booklets is that they are brief! Rick chose this format with the intention of providing a concise guide as a resource to busy training incumbents. He also hopes that curates will find it useful: good supervision relies partly upon their understanding of the process and their willingness to learn and to be accountable, and the booklet is intended to help those entering their curacies to know what good practice in supervision should look and feel like.
“This very helpful guide …is full of wisdom and good advice. Although primarily aimed at the curate/incumbent scenario, the contents of this book will be of help to anyone who undertakes the reflective supervision of others.” (Duncan Strathie, Ministry Training Officer, Diocese of Winchester)
Supervising a Curate – A Short Guide to a Complex Task is published by Grove Books, and can be purchased online in paper or electronic format – click here.