Two New Lindisfarne Graduates
January saw the graduation from Durham University of two Lindisfarne students with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The degrees were conferred on Stephen Metcalfe, an independent student, and the Revd Sue Chew at the ceremony in Durham Cathedral. Stephen was Lindisfarne’s first full-time student, enrolling on the BA programme at Lindisfarne’s inception in September 2009. Sue began her training as an Ordained Local Minister with NEOC, transferring to Lindisfarne in 2009 to complete her course. Having reached the level of Diploma in Theology & Ministry at the point of her ordination in 2010 she has since undertaken further study to complete the full degree.
Cathy Rowling, Lindisfarne Regional Training Partnership’s Principal writes: Steve has been a real ambassador for Lindisfarne, forging a way through the programme that we hadn’t initially envisaged, and doing so very successfully. The nature of our partnership and close working with Cranmer Hall meant that he could take a couple of modules there in his final year and this enabled the full-time route to work very well indeed. It was a delight to see Steve and Sue receive their degrees. Both have shown great commitment and determination to complete their awards and their degrees are richly deserved.
David Bryan, Lindisfarne’s Director of Studies was previously Sue’s vicar and training incumbent. He was thrilled to see Sue graduate at the ceremony. ‘It was a huge privilege to share in some of the early steps in what for Sue has been a long journey, and it was a great joy to witness her achieving another significant milestone’, he said.
Various speakers at the Congregation underlined the fact that graduation is a staging point and not the end of the journey. The Vice-Chancellor in particular fittingly encouraged all the graduates to step out into the world and make a difference. Lindisfarne is confident that Stephen and Sue will both do this.
Lindisfarne will hold a ceremony in the Spring at which Dr Marcus Pound from the Department of Theology & Religion at Durham University will present Certificates and Diplomas in Theology and Ministry to nineteen further students.
Photo: Sue Chew and Cathy Rowling following the ceremony at Durham University