Exploring Independent study

Do you want to study to deepen your faith and understanding of life with God? To equip you for mission and ministry in God’s church? To enjoy learning in a supportive Christian community?

All our Lindisfarne College of Theology programmes will help you do this – at whatever level is appropriate for you.

Students at LCT who are studying for their own personal development are called ‘Independent Students’ – it just means that you are not sent to us by the Church of England in an authorised capacity. You may be C of E, or Methodist, or Baptist, Pentecostal, New Church, Free Church, … we welcome all who are in good standing with their church, and able to meet the entry requirements of our programmes in Theology, Mission and Ministry. (In practice this means you can work at the relevant academic level, and fulfil the expectations of a DBS check).

If you are interested in studying with us as an independent student, we would love to hear from you. Use the ‘Get in touch’ box on this page, and ask for more details and/or an application form.

Read our Notes for Applicants

View the Timeline for New Independent Students


Application Forms

Forms for 2025/26 will be available shortly.

Application Form for Independent Study

Application Form for Returning to Study

Application Form to Audit an LCT Module


‘’I joined the Lindisfarne community as a retired teacher and lifelong Anglican, delighted to have the opportunity to learn more about the faith we share.  … I am very grateful for all the opportunities that Lindisfarne has given to me to know God better.’’

Ian, Student

    Get in touch

    Looking to explore the opportunities in ministry?

    Here at Lindisfarne we have a range of ministry courses to offer, take look to see if any are right for you.

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