Standard Entry Requirements

LCT normally admits all independent undergraduate students initially to the Foundation Award or Certificate in Theology, Ministry and Mission. The standard entry requirements are 2 A-Levels, or equivalent (grade E or above). Upon satisfactory completion of the Certificate students may progress to the Diploma; and upon satisfactory completion of the Diploma students may progress to the BA.

The standard entry requirement for direct entry onto the Graduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry and Mission is a Diploma level qualification in Theology or Religious Studies.

The standard entry requirement for direct entry onto the MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission is a BA level qualification in Theology or Religious Studies at 2:1 level.


Non-standard Entry

LCT is committed to taking onto its programmes students from diverse backgrounds, including those whose experience of formal education was not positive, and encourages applications from anyone who considers this to be the right course for them. Applicants who do not meet the standard entry requirements specified above should have GCSEs (or equivalent) in English and Maths (grade C/4 or above). In addition they will be asked to write a 500 word book review prior to a place being offered. This will enable LCT staff to assess whether prospective students are seeking to engage with theological study at the right level. Such students may be admitted to the Certificate in the first instance.


Additional Expectations for Admission to the Programme

LCT’s programmes in Theology, Ministry and Mission are made available through the financial generosity of the Church of England both nationally and regionally. This is one reason why we are able to offer our programmes to independent students at a reduced rate.

LCT’s programmes are primarily designed to foster students’ Christian discipleship and to prepare people for ministry in the Church of England. Our programmes are offered within the context of a learning and praying community. We therefore welcome applicants from Christian Churches and communities in the region who will feel at home in such an educational environment.

Non-ministerial applicants – who will be known as ‘independent students’ – will engage in modules alongside candidates for ministry, including some placement work. Places will be offered to those applicants whom LCT regards as having the ability to relate to and work appropriately with a wide range of people, and whom it considers suitable to represent it in the wider sphere of placement contexts. Those accepted will be in good standing with their local church – whether Anglican or of another recognised tradition.

References in support of independent applicants will be taken up prior to admission to the programme, and students will be required to undertake a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check prior to commencing the programme.


Data Protection

LCT has a responsibility under data protection legislation to provide individuals with information about how we process their personal data. For more information please see our Privacy Notice at

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